Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 2 Content Switching Module with SSL Commands
track (fault tolerant submode)
track (fault tolerant submode)
To set the fault-tolerant tracking for the gateway, HSRP group, or interface of the CSM, use the track
command in the SLB fault-tolerant configuration submode.
track {gateway ip_addr | group group_number | interface {async | ctunnel | dialer | fastethernet |
gigabitethernet} | mode {all | any}}
Syntax Description
Defaults The default setting for mode is any.
Command Modes SLB fault-tolerant configuration submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines The CSM with the largest priority value is the primary CSM in the fault-tolerant pair when the modules
are both operating.
Examples This example shows how to set tracking mode for all devices:
Cat6k-2(config-slb-ft)# track mode all
Related Commands ft group
preempt (fault tolerant submode)
show module csm ft
gateway ip_addr Configures a gateway or host for tracking.
group group_number Configures an HSRP group for tracking.
interface async | ctunnel |
dialer | fastethernet |
Configures an interface for tracking. The interfaces can be
asynchronous, tunnel, dialer, fast Ethernet, or Gigabit Ethernet.
mode all | any Configures tracking mode for all devices or any device.
Release Modification
CSM release 4.2(1) This command was introduced.