Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 3 Commands Specific to the Content Switching Module with SSL
ssl-proxy service
ssl-proxy service
To enter the proxy-service configuration submode, use the ssl-proxy-service command.
ssl-proxy service ssl-proxy-name [client]
Syntax Description
Defaults Server NAT is enabled, and client NAT is disabled.
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines In proxy-service configuration submode, you can configure the virtual IP address and port that is
associated with the proxy service and the associated target IP address and port. You can also define TCP
and SSL policies for both the client side (beginning with the virtual keyword) and the server side of the
proxy (beginning with the server keyword).
In client proxy-service configuration submode, you specify that the proxy service accept clear-text traffic,
encrypt it into SSL traffic, and forward it to the back-end SSL server.
ssl-proxy-name SSL proxy name.
client (Optional) Allows you to configure the SSL-client proxy services. See the
ssl-proxy service client command.
Release Modification
Cisco IOS Release
12.1(13)E and
SSL Services Module
Release 1.1(1)
Support for this command was introduced on the Catalyst 6500 series
SSL Services Module
Release 2.1(1)
This command was changed to include the following keywords:
• authenticate—Configures the certificate verification method.
• client—Configures the SSL-client proxy services.
• policy urlrewrite—Applies a URL rewrite policy to a proxy server.
• sslv2—Enables SSL version 2; see the server ipaddr ip-addr
protocol protocol port portno subcommand.
• trusted-ca ca-pool-name—Applies the trusted certificate authority
configuration to a proxy server.
CSM-S release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.