
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 3 Commands Specific to the Content Switching Module with SSL
ssl-proxy service client
Both secured and bridge mode between the Content Switching Module (CSM) and the Content
Switching Module with SSL is supported.
Use the secondary keyword (optional) for bridge-mode topology.
Examples This example shows how to enter the client proxy-service configuration submode:
ssl-proxy (config)# ssl-proxy service S7 client
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)#
This example shows how to configure the certificate for the specified SSL-proxy services:
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)# certificate rsa general-purpose trustpoint tp1
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)#
These examples show how to set a specified command to its default value:
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)# default certificate
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)# default inservice
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)# default nat
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)# default server
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)# default virtual
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)#
This example shows how to configure a virtual IP address for the specified virtual server:
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)# virtual ipaddr protocol tcp port 443
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)#
This example shows how to configure the SSL policy for the specified virtual server:
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)# virtual policy ssl sslpl1
ssl-proxy (config-ssl-proxy)#
nat {server | client natpool-name} Specifies the usage of either server NAT or client NAT for the server side
connection that is opened by the Content Switching Module with SSL.
policy urlrewrite policy-name Applies a URL rewrite policy to the proxy server.
server ipaddr ip-addr protocol protocol
port portno [sslv2]
Defines the IP address of the target server for the proxy server. You can also
specify the port number and the transport protocol. The target IP address can
be a virtual IP address of an SLB device or a real IP address of a web server.
The sslv2 keyword enables SSL version 2.
server policy tcp
Applies a TCP policy to the server side of a proxy server. You can specify the
port number and the transport protocol.
virtual {ipaddr ip-addr} {protocol
protocol} {port portno} [secondary]
Defines the IP address of the target server for the proxy server. You can also
specify the port number and the transport protocol. The target IP address can
be a virtual IP address of an SLB device or a real IP address of a web server.
The sslv2 keyword specifies the server that is used for handling SSL
version 2 traffic.
virtual {policy ssl ssl-policy-name} Applies an SSL policy with the client side of a proxy server.
virtual {policy tcp
Applies a TCP policy to the client side of a proxy server.
Table 3-9 Proxy-client Configuration Submode Command Descriptions (continued)
Syntax Description