Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 3 Commands Specific to the Content Switching Module with SSL
standby preempt
standby preempt
To configure HSRP preemption and preemption delay, use the standby preempt command. Use the no
form of this command to restore the default values.
standby [group-number] preempt [delay{minimum delay | reload delay | sync delay}]
no standby [group-number] preempt [delay{minimum delay | reload delay | sync delay}]
Syntax Description
Defaults The defaults are as follows:
• group-number is 0.
• delay is 0 seconds; the router preempts immediately. By default, the router that comes up later
becomes the standby router.
Command Modes Proxy-VLAN configuration submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines The delay argument causes the local router to postpone taking over the active role for delay (minimum)
seconds since that router was last restarted.
When you use this command, the router is configured to preempt, which means that when the local router
has a hot standby priority that is higher than the current active router, the local router should attempt to
assume control as the active router. If you do not configure preemption, the local router assumes control
as the active router only if it receives information indicating no router is in the active state (acting as the
designated router).
When a router first comes up, it does not have a complete routing table. If you configure the router to
preempt, it becomes the active router, but it cannot provide adequate routing services. You can configure
a delay before the preempting router actually preempts the currently active router.
group-number (Optional) Group number on the interface to which the other arguments in
this command apply.
delay (Optional) Required if either the minimum, reload, or sync keywords are
minimum delay (Optional) Specifies the minimum delay in delay seconds; valid values are
from 0 to 3600 seconds (1 hour).
reload delay (Optional) Specifies the preemption delay after a reload only.
sync delay (Optional) Specifies the maximum synchronization period in delay seconds.
Release Modification
SSL Services Module
Release 2.1(1)
Support for this command was introduced on the Catalyst 6500 series
CSM-S release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.