
Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 37 Configuring Quality of Service
Configuring QoS on Supervisor Engine 6-E, Supervisor Engine 6L-E, Catalyst 4900M, and Catalyst 4948E
Dynamic resizing of queues (queue limit class-map action) is supported using the use of the queue-limit
command. Based on the chassis and line card type, all eight queues on a port are configured with equal
queue size.
Shaping enables you to delay out-of-profile packets in queues so that they conform to a specified profile.
Shaping is distinct from policing. Policing drops packets that exceed a configured threshold. Shaping
buffers packets so that traffic remains within a given threshold and offers greater smoothness in handling
traffic than policing. You enable average-rate traffic shaping on a traffic class with the policy map class
configuration command.
Catalyst 4900M, Catalyst 4948E, Supervisor Engine 6-E, and Supervisor Engine 6L-E support a range
of 32 kbps to 10 gbps for shaping, with a precision of approximately with a precision of approximately
+/- 0.75 percent.
When a queuing class is configured without any explicit shape configuration, the queue shape is set to
the link rate.
To configure class-level shaping in a service policy, perform this task:
Command Purpose
Step 1
Switch# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2
Switch(config)# policy-map
Creates a policy map by entering the policy-map name, and enters
policy-map configuration mode.
By default, no policy maps are defined.
Step 3
Switch(config-pmap)# class class-name
Specifies the name of the class whose traffic policy you want to
create or change, and enters policy-map class configuration mode.
By default, no traffic classes are defined.
Step 4
Switch(config-pmap-class)# shape
average {cir-bps kbps | percent
Enables average-rate traffic shaping.
You can specify the bandwidth in kbps or as a percentage:
For cir-bps, specify the committed information rate, the bit rate
that traffic is shaped to, in bps. The range is 32000 to
10000000000 bps.
For percent, specify the percentage of link rate to shape the class
of traffic. The range is 1 to 100.
By default, average-rate traffic shaping is disabled.
Step 5
Switch(config-pmap-class)# exit
Returns to policy-map configuration mode.
Step 6
Switch(config-pmap)# exit
Returns to global configuration mode.
Step 7
Switch(config)# interface interface-id
Specifies a physical port and enter interface configuration mode.
Step 8
service-policy output policy-map-name
Specifies the policy-map name, and apply it a physical interface.
Step 9
Switch(config-interface)# end
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.