Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 58 Configuring Y.1731 (AIS and RDI)
Displaying Y.1731 Information
Level Type Port MAC
7 MIP Gi3/1 001b.d550.91fd
4 MIP Te1/2 001b.d550.91fd
*Feb 18 05:40:35.659: %ETHER_CFM-6-ENTER_AIS: local mep with mpid 1109 level 4 id 100 dir
I Interface GigabitEthernet3/1 enters AIS defect condition (gi3/2 enters AIS state)
Switch# show ethernet cfm main local detail
MEP Settings:
MPID: 1109
Level: 4
Direction: I
EVC: evc_1
Interface: Gi3/1
CC-Status: Enabled
MAC: 001b.d550.91fd
Defect Condition: AIS
presentRDI: TRUE
(RDI defect IS present)
AIS-Status: Enabled
AIS Period: 60000(ms)
AIS Expiry Threshold: 3.5
Level to transmit AIS: Default
Suppress Alarm configuration: Enabled
Suppressing Alarms: Yes
MIP Settings:
Level Type Port MAC
7 MIP Gi3/1 001b.d550.91fd
4 MIP Te1/2 001b.d550.91fd
Switch# show ethernet cfm error
Level Vlan MPID Remote MAC Reason Service ID
4 100 2101 001d.4566.aa3d 0 lifetime TLV customerX
4 100 - 001b.d550.91fd Receive AIS customerX
*Feb 18 05:51:08.567: %ETHER_CFM-6-EXIT_AIS: local mep with mpid 1109 level 4 id 100 dir I
Interface GigabitEthernet3/1 exited AIS defect condition (gi3/1 exits AIS state)
Switch# show ethernet cfm main local detail
MEP Settings:
MPID: 1109
Level: 4
Direction: I
EVC: evc_1
Interface: Gi3/1
CC-Status: Enabled
MAC: 001b.d550.91fd
Defect Condition: No Defect
presentRDI: FALSE
(RDI defect is not present anymore)
AIS-Status: Enabled
AIS Period: 60000(ms)
AIS Expiry Threshold: 3.5
Level to transmit AIS: Default
Suppress Alarm configuration: Enabled
Suppressing Alarms: No
MIP Settings:
Level Type Port MAC
7 MIP Gi3/1 001b.d550.91fd
4 MIP Te1/2 001b.d550.91fd