
Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 34 Configuring ANCP Client
Enabling and Configuring ANCP Client
Step 3 (Optional) Enable the ANCP multicast client to identify this VLAN interface using the port-identifier as
opposed to the Option 82 circuit-id:
Switch(config)> ancp client port identifier [port-identifier] vlan [number] interface
The no version of this command prompts a warning message if any multicast stream is activated by
ANCP using the port-identifier on a port:
Switch(config)# no ancp client port identifier bbb vlan 10 interface GigabitEthernet3/5
Warning: Multicast flows seems to exist for this port, remove mapping and delete flows
The ANCP client tries to connect to the server. If it fails, it tries again 10 seconds later. If it fails again,
it tries at 20 seconds intervals, until it reaches the timeout setting (120 seconds). It remains timed out
until it reconnects.
Note If the connection fails again and the client attempts to reconnect and it fails, the wait time returns to 10
seconds (and so on).
To determine whether the ANCP client is successfully connected to the server, enter the
show ancp status command, which displays the status of the ANCP TCP connection with the remote
ANCP server.
Switch# show ancp status
ANCP enabled on following interfaces
ANCP end point(s) on this interface:
Neighbor Neighbor port 6068
Hello interval 100 Sender instance 1 Sender name 372F61C
Sender port 0 Partition ID 0 TCB 36E27E8
Capabilities negotiated: Transactional Multicast
In the preceding example, only one capability (transactional multicast) is negotiated (or supported). This
capability is the only one that the ANCP client supports. Because the server also supports this capability,
the two entities can now communicate.
The server can send ANCP multicast commands (join, leave, leave all requests, and request for active
flows report) as defined in the multicast portion of the ANCP protocol. At any time, an administrator can
use to the show ancp multicast [interface vlan] [group | source] command to see the information the
ANCP client has obtained about the current multicast flows.
Example 1
ANCP_Client# show ancp multicast group
ANCP Multicast Streams
ClientID VLAN Interface Joined on
0x0106000700130103 19 Gi1/3 15:06:23 UTC Tue Aug 26 2008