Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 8 Configuring Supervisor Engine Redundancy Using RPR and SSO
Configuring Supervisor Engine Redundancy
You exit the virtual console with the exit or quit commands. When the inactivity period of the terminal
on the active supervisor engine where you logged in exceeds the configured idle time, you are
automatically logged out of the terminal on the active supervisor engine. In such a case, the virtual
console session is also terminated. Virtual console session is also automatically terminated when the
standby is rebooted. After the standby boots up, you need to create another virtual console session.
To log in to the standby supervisor engine using a virtual console, enter the following command:
Switch# session module 2
Connecting to standby virtual console
Type "exit" or "quit" to end this session
Switch-standby-console# exit
If the standby console is not enabled, the following message appears:
Standby console disabled.
Valid commands are: exit, logout
Note The standby virtual console provides the standard features that are available from the supervisor console
such as command history, command completion, command help and partial command keywords.
The following limitations apply to the standby virtual console:
• All commands on the virtual console run to completion. It does not provide the auto-more feature;
it functions as if the terminal length 0 command has been executed. It is also noninteractive. You
cannot interupt or abort an executing command by any key sequence on the active supervisor engine.
If a command produces considerable output, the virtual console displays it on the supervisor engine
• The virtual console is noninteractive. Because the virtual console does not detect the interactive
nature of a command, any command that requires user interaction causes the virtual console to wait
until the RPC timer aborts the command.
The virtual console timer is set to 60 seconds. The virtual console returns to its prompt after 60
seconds. During this time, you cannot abort the command from the key board. You must wait for
the timer to expire before you continue.
• You cannot use virtual console to view debug and syslog messages that are being displayed on the
standby supervisor engine. The virtual console only displays the output of commands that are
executed from the virtual console. Other information that is displayed on the real standby console
does not appear on the virtual console.
Synchronizing the Supervisor Engine Configurations
To manually synchronize the configurations used by the two supervisor engines, perform this task on the
active supervisor engine:
Command Purpose
Step 1
Switch(config)# redundancy
Enters redundancy configuration mode.
Step 2
Switch(config-red)# main-cpu
Enters main-cpu configuration submode.
Step 3
Switch(config-r-mc)# auto-sync {startup-config |
config-register | bootvar | standard}
Synchronizes the configuration elements.