Appendix D CSUtil Database Utility
User and AAA Client Import Option
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
If you do not use the -q option, CSUtil.exe displays a confirmation prompt for
initializing the database and then for loading the database. For more information
about the effects of the -n option, see Creating a CiscoSecure User Database,
page D-8. For more information about the effects of the -l option, see Loading the
Cisco Secure ACS Database from a Dump File, page D-11.
Step 4 For each confirmation prompt that appears, type Y and press Enter.
CSUtil.exe dumps all Cisco Secure ACS internal data to
dump.txt, initializes the
CiscoSecure user database, and reloads all Cisco Secure ACS internal data from
dump.txt. This process may take a few minutes.
Step 5 To resume user authentication, type:
net start csauth
and press Enter.
User and AAA Client Import Option
The -i option enables you to update Cisco Secure ACS with data from a
colon-delimited text file. You can also update AAA client definitions.
For user accounts, you can add users, change user information such as passwords,
or delete users. For AAA client definitions, you can add or delete AAA clients.
This section contains the following topics:
• Importing User and AAA Client Information, page D-15
• User and AAA Client Import File Format, page D-16
About User and AAA Client Import File Format, page D-17
ONLINE or OFFLINE Statement, page D-17
ADD Statements, page D-18
UPDATE Statements, page D-19
DELETE Statements, page D-21
ADD_NAS Statements, page D-21
DEL_NAS Statements, page D-23
Import File Example, page D-24