User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
User Group Mapping and
This chapter provides information about group mapping and specification.
Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) for Windows Server uses these
features to assign users authenticated by an external user database to a single
Cisco Secure ACS group.
This chapter contains the following topics:
• About User Group Mapping and Specification, page 16-1
• Group Mapping by External User Database, page 16-2
• Group Mapping by Group Set Membership, page 16-4
• NAC Group Mapping, page 16-13
• RADIUS-Based Group Specification, page 16-14
About User Group Mapping and Specification
The Database Group Mapping feature in the External User Databases section
enables you to associate unknown users with a Cisco Secure ACS group for
assigning authorization profiles. For external user databases from which
Cisco Secure ACS can derive group information, you can associate the group
memberships defined for the users in the external user database to specific
Cisco Secure ACS groups. For Windows user databases, group mapping is further