Chapter6 User Group Management
Basic User Group Settings
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Group Disablement
You perform this procedure to disable a user group and, thereby, to prevent any
member of the disabled group from authenticating.
Note Group Disablement is the only setting in Cisco Secure ACS where the setting at
the group level may override the setting at the user level. If group disablement is
set, all users within the disabled group are denied authentication, regardless of
whether or not the user account is disabled. However, if a user account is disabled
it remains disabled regardless of the status of the corresponding user group
disablement setting. In other words, when group and user account disablement
settings differ, Cisco Secure ACS defaults to preventing network access.
To disable a group, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click Group Setup.
The Group Setup Select page opens.
Step 2 From the Group list, select the group you want to disable, and then click Edit
The Group Settings page displays the name of the group at its top.
Step 3 In the Group Disabled table, select the check box labeled This group is disabled
- and all users of this group are disabled.
Step 4 To disable the group immediately, click Submit + Restart.
For more information, see Saving Changes to User Group Settings, page 6-56.
The group is disabled, and all members of the group are disabled.
Enabling VoIP Support for a User Group
Note If this feature does not appear, click Interface Configuration, click Advanced
Options, and then select the Voice-over-IP (VoIP) Group Settings check box.