Chapter 1 Overview
Cisco Secure ACS HTML Interface
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
This section contains the following topics:
• About the Cisco Secure ACS HTML Interface, page 1-26
• HTML Interface Layout, page 1-27
• Uniform Resource Locator for the HTML Interface, page 1-29
• Network Environments and Administrative Sessions, page 1-30
• Accessing the HTML Interface, page 1-32
• Logging Off the HTML Interface, page 1-33
• Online Help and Online Documentation, page 1-33
About the Cisco Secure ACS HTML Interface
After installing Cisco Secure ACS, you configure and administer it through the
HTML interface. The HTML interface enables you to easily modify Cisco Secure
ACS configuration from any connection on your LAN or WAN.
The Cisco Secure ACS HTML interface is designed to be viewed using a web
browser. The design primarily uses HTML, along with some Java functions, to
enhance ease of use. This design keeps the interface responsive and
straightforward. The inclusion of Java requires that the browser used for
administrative sessions supports Java. For a list of supported browsers, see the
Release Notes. The most recent revision to the Release Notes is posted on
Cisco.com (http://www.cisco.com).
The HTML interface not only makes viewing and editing user and group
information possible, it also enables you to restart services, add remote
administrators, change AAA client information, back up the system, view reports
from anywhere on the network, and more. The reports track connection activity,
show which users are logged in, list failed authentication and authorization
attempts, and show administrators’ recent tasks.
HTML Interface Security
Accessing the HTML interface requires a valid administrator name and password.
The Cisco Secure ACS Login page encrypts the administrator credentials before
sending them to Cisco Secure ACS.