Chapter 5 Shared Profile Components
Network Access Restrictions
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Cisco Secure ACS saves the IP ACL with the new information, which takes effect
Deleting a Downloadable IP ACL
Before You Begin
You should remove the association of a IP ACL with any user or user group profile
before deleting the IP ACL.
To delete an IP ACL, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click Shared Profile Components.
The Shared Profile Components page appears.
Step 2 Click Downloadable IP ACLs.
Step 3 Click the name of the downloadable IP ACL you want to delete.
The Downloadable IP ACLs page appears with information displayed for the
selected IP ACL.
Step 4 At the bottom of the page, click Delete.
A dialog box warns you that you are about to delete an IP ACL.
Step 5 To confirm that you want to delete the IP ACL, click OK.
The selected IP ACL is deleted.
Network Access Restrictions
This section describes network access restrictions (NARs) and provides detailed
instructions for configuring and managing shared NARs.