User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Appendix C RADIUS Attributes
Nortel Dictionary of RADIUS VSAs
Nortel Dictionary of RADIUS VSAs
Table C-9 lists the Nortel RADIUS VSAs supported by Cisco Secure ACS. The
Nortel vendor ID number is 1584.
253 Ascend-PPP-Address Ipaddr (maximum
length 15 characters)
Outbound No
MPP Percent Idle Attribute
254 Ascend-MPP-Idle-Percent Integer (maximum
length 10 characters)
Outbound No
255 Ascend-Xmit-Rate Integer (maximum
length 10 characters)
Outbound No
Table C-8 Ascend RADIUS Attributes (continued)
Number Attribute Type of Value
Outbound Multiple
Table C-9 Nortel RADIUS VSAs
Number Attribute Type of Value
Outbound Multiple
035 Bay-Local-IP-Address Ipaddr (maximum length
15 characters)
Outbound No
054 Bay-Primary-DNS-Server Ipaddr (maximum length
15 characters)
Outbound No
055 Bay-Secondary-DNS-Server Ipaddr (maximum length
15 characters)
Outbound No
056 Bay-Primary-NBNS-Server Ipaddr (maximum length
15 characters)
Outbound No
057 Bay-Secondary-NBNS-Server Ipaddr (maximum length
15 characters)
Outbound No
100 Bay-User-Level Integer Outbound No
101 Bay-Audit-Level Integer Outbound No