Chapter 13 User Databases
Generic LDAP
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
To configure Cisco Secure ACS to use the LDAP User Database, follow these
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click External User Databases.
Step 2 Click Database Configuration.
Cisco Secure ACS displays a list of all possible external user database types.
Step 3 Click Generic LDAP.
Note The user authenticates against only one LDAP database.
If no LDAP database configuration exists, only the Database Configuration
Creation table appears. Otherwise, in addition to the Database Configuration
Creation table, the External User Database Configuration table appears.
Step 4 If you are creating a configuration, follow these steps:
a. Click Create New Configuration.
b. Type a name for the new configuration for generic LDAP in the box provided.
c. Click Submit.
Cisco Secure ACS lists the new configuration in the External User Database
Configuration table.
Step 5 Under External User Database Configuration, select the name of the LDAP
database you need to configure.
Note If only one LDAP configuration exists, the name of that configuration
appears instead of the list. Proceed to Step 6.
Step 6 Click Configure.
Caution If you click Delete, the configuration of the selected LDAP database is deleted.
Step 7 If you do not want Cisco Secure ACS to filter LDAP authentication requests by
username, under Domain Filtering, select Process all usernames.