Chapter 9 System Configuration: Advanced
RDBMS Synchronization
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Step 6 Complete the other fields required by the ODBC driver you selected. These fields
may include information such as the IP address of the server on which the
ODBC-compliant database runs.
Step 7 Click OK.
The name you assigned to the DSN appears in the System Data Sources list.
Step 8 Close the ODBC window and Windows Control Panel.
The system DSN to be used by Cisco Secure ACS to access your accountActions
table is created on your Cisco Secure ACS.
RDBMS Synchronization Options
The RDBMS Synchronization Setup page, available from System Configuration,
provides control of the RDBMS Synchronization feature. It contains three tables
whose options are described in this section.
This section contains the following topics:
• RDBMS Setup Options, page 9-38
• Synchronization Scheduling Options, page 9-39
• Synchronization Partners Options, page 9-39
RDBMS Setup Options
The RDBMS Setup table defines how Cisco Secure ACS accesses the
accountActions table. It contains the following options:
• Data Source—Specifies which of all the system DSNs available on the
Cisco Secure ACS is to be used to access the accountActions table.
• Username—Specifies the username Cisco Secure ACS should use to access
the database that contains the accountActions table.
Note The database user account specified by the username must have
sufficient privileges to read and write to the accountActions table.