4-44 Filtering Database
A scrollable Address Entry panel allows you to:
¥ View the address entries in the Filtering Database.
¥ Alter an entryÕs type (e.g., from Learned to Permanent, Dynamic, or Static).
¥ View and conÞgure the bridging action taking place on the packets entering
each of the bridging ports.
In addition, you can use buttons to add individual addresses to, or delete them
from, these databases, or clear all Permanent, Static, or Dynamic entries in the
To access the Filtering Database window
from the Bridge Status window:
1. Click on to display the Bridge menu.
2. Drag down to select Filtering Database…. The Filtering Database window,
Figure 4-11, will appear.
from the Chassis View window:
1. Click on the Board Index of the device of interest; the Board menu will
2. Drag down to Filtering Database…. The Filtering Database window,
Figure 4-11, will appear.