4-72 Fast Ethernet Port Configuration
Desired Operational Mode
Displays the operational mode that you want to conÞgure for this port. The
following operational modes are available for each port:
FE-100TX Auto-Negotiation, 10Base-T, 10Base-T Full Duplex,
100Base-TX, and 100Base-TX Full Duplex.
FE-100FX 100Base-FX and 100Base-FX Full Duplex
See Setting the Desired Operational Mode for the FE-100TX and Setting the
Desired Operational Mode for the FE-100FX, following, for more information.
Advertised Abilities
This Þeld works in conjunction with auto-negotiation on FE-100TX ports. During
auto-negotiation, the local hardware will advertise all selected modes in
descending bandwidth order: 100Base-TX Full Duplex, 100Base-TX, 10Base-T Full
Duplex, and 10Base-T.
Of the selected abilities, the highest mode available on the port on the other side
of the connection will automatically be used. The Advertised Abilities will only be
used when auto-negotiation is enabled.
Remote Capabilities
This Þeld displays the advertised abilities of the remote hardware at the other end
of the link from the FE-100TX port. Again, possible advertised abilities by the
remote partner include 10Base-T, 10Base-T Full Duplex, 100Base-TX, or
100Base-TX Full Duplex.
If auto-negotiation is not enabled or supported at either the local or remote
interface, or if there is no active link, all entries in this Þeld will be grayed out.
Auto-negotiation is not available on the FE-100FX; therefore, the Advertised Abilities
and Remote Capabilities section of the Fast Ethernet ConÞguration window will be
grayed out when you are viewing the port conÞguration of an FE-100FX.
If you choose to select a speciÞc mode of operation (rather than auto-negotiation), you
should be sure that the link partner supports the same mode. Otherwise, no link will be
If you select a full duplex mode and the link partner supports the same wire speed but not
full duplex, a link will be achieved, but it will be unstable and will behave erratically.
If you select auto-negotiation, the local node will try to match the mode of the link partner,
even if the link partner is not set to auto-negotiate, and even if the local node must use a
mode which it is not currently advertising.