Bridge Statistics 4-31
A. C. Errors
The A. C. Errors Þeld displays the number of A. C. errors detected by the selected
port. These errors count protocol data units (PDUs) that contain errors in the A or
C bits.
Abort Sequences
The Abort Sequences Þeld displays the number of abort sequences transmitted by
the selected port.
Internal Errors
The Internal Errors Þeld displays the number of recoverable internal errors
detected by the selected port.
Lost Frames
The Lost Frames Þeld displays the number of lost frames transmitted by the
selected port that have not returned because the Timer Return to Repeat (TRR)
Congestion Errors
The Congestion Errors Þeld displays the number of times the selected port has not
been able to copy a protocol data unit (PDU) addressed to it because of a lack of
internal buffering.
F. C. Errors
The F. C. Errors Þeld displays the number of protocol data units (PDUs)
addressed to the selected station with the A bits already set to 1. This error
indicates that a possible electrical line disturbance or a duplicate address has
occurred on the ring.
Token Errors
The Token Errors Þeld displays the number of times that the selected station,
acting as the active monitor, detected an error condition that needed a token
Soft Errors
The Soft Errors Þeld displays the number of soft errors detected by the selected
Hard Errors
The Hard Errors Þeld displays the number of immediately recoverable fatal errors
detected by the selected port.
Signal Loss
The Signal Loss Þeld displays the number of times that the selected port has
detected the loss of a signal condition from the ring.