CSX200 and CSX400 WAN Configuration
as the backup. If the primary link should fail for some reason, the other WAN
interface will take over as the wide area link until the primary is restored.
When a WPIM-S/T is installed as the backup interface, that connection will
activate and provide an ISDN connection to the wide area network, if the primary
WAN link fails. The ISDN WPIM can also provide backup for single or multiple
Data Link Connection Interfaces (DLCIs). If a leased line loses a DLCI or a remote
ofÞce, for example, the WPIM-S/T will restore a 64K connection for that site while
the rest of the connections remain on the leased line. For more information on
WAN redundancy and the WPIM-S/T, consult your QuickSET documentation or
your hardware documentation.
The following Cabletron WPIMs provide WAN connectivity for the CSX400,
HSIM-W84, and the CSX200 series. Currently Cabletron recommends that all
WPIM conÞguration be done through the QuickSET application that was shipped
with your device. Consult your QuickSET documentation for more details.
If there is a speciÞc device from the CSX200 series that supports the WPIM, it is
noted below. Otherwise, the WPIM can be special-ordered and installed in a
general CSX200 (contact the Cabletron Systems Global Call Center for more
WPIM-DDS DDS is Digital Data Services, a digital network that
supports data rates of 56Kbps or 64Kbps. The DDS
service provides users with dedicated, two-way
simultaneous transmission capabilities operating at
transfer rates up to 64 Kbps. This WPIM comes with a
built-in CSX/DSU. (CSX203)
WPIM-DI The DI (Drop-and-Insert) WPIM provides a T1 interface
through a front-panel RJ45 port and includes a built-in
CSU/DSU for direct connection to a T1 line. The WPIM-
DI provides Full T1 or Fractional T1 using 56 or 64 Kbps
Time Slots. It also provides a second Drop-and-Insert
interface that allows more than one device, such as a
PBX, to share a single T1 connection. (CSX201)
WPIM-E1 This WPIM provides an E1 interface through a front-
panel RJ-45 port and includes a built-in CSU/DSU for
direct connection to an E1 line. This WPIM provides Full
E1 or Fractional E1 using 56 or 64 Kbps Time Slots with a
total throughput of up to 2 Mbps. Time Division
The WPIM-S/T is designed for WAN ISDN redundancy only and is not intended to be
used for a primary WAN connection at this time.