Logical Settings 3-7
Logical Status 2-14
Logical View 3-5
Loss of Frame 4-80
Loss of Pointer 4-79
Loss of Signal 4-79
MAC address 1-5, 2-3
Max Age 4-38
Max Age Time
Changing 4-41
menu structure 2-4
MIB components 2-9
Mode 4-98
mouse usage 1-5
MTU 3-6
Multicast (Non-Unicast) 2-17
N/A 4-68
Name 4-97
Network design 4-35
New button 4-48
New Filter Window 4-48
Non-Unicast 4-22
Non-Unicast (Multicast) 2-17
Number 4-45
OFF 2-8, 4-68
OK button 1-6
ON 2-8, 4-68
Packets Received 2-17, 4-23
Packets Transmitted 2-18, 4-23
Path Cost 4-39
Changing 4-42
Performance Graph window 4-6, 4-11
Permanent entries 4-43
Physical Status 2-14
Physical View 4-85, 4-86, 4-87
Physical View window 4-14
Port # 4-97
Port ConÞguration window 4-7, 4-12, 4-92
port display, color codes 2-2
Port Filtering 4-46, 4-53
Port Filtering Action
Changing 4-48, 4-55
Clearing 4-56
Setting 4-55
Port Menus 2-6
Port Priority
Changing 4-42
Port Status 2-3
port status color codes 2-9
PPP Link Statistics window 4-6
PPP Link Status window 4-12
Priority 4-38
Protocol 3-6, 4-37
QuickSET 1-2
WAN configuration with 3-1
Rate 2-15
Raw Counts 2-14
Receive Port 4-46, 4-48
Changing 4-48
Receive Port Icon 4-55
Receive Ports 4-53
Changing 4-55
Redundancy 3-2
Remote Capabilities 4-72
Ring Speed 4-87
Ring State 4-87
RMON Alarm ConÞguration window 4-13
RMON MAC Layer window 4-12
RMON Promiscuous Stats window 4-12
Root Bridge 4-37
Root Bridge Selection process 4-35
Root Cost 4-37
Root Port 4-37
SDH 4-74
Selected Filter 4-53
Set button 1-6
setting full duplex mode 4-68
Severely Errored Framing Second 4-81
Severely Errored Seconds 4-81
SmartTrunk ConÞguration and Status
Screen 4-7