4-68 Duplex Modes
Full Duplex
Displays the current state of full duplex on each interface. Possible values for this
Þeld are as follows:
Connect A Indicates that the interface is connected to MMAC
Channel A and does not support full duplex mode
(Interface 1 only). You will not be able to change the
value of this Þeld from this window.
ON Indicates that full duplex mode is being used on this
OFF Indicates that full duplex mode is not being used on this
N/A Indicates that full duplex mode is not available on this
Setting the Duplex Mode
You set an interface to use or not use Full Duplex Switched Ethernet by turning
the full duplex capability ON or OFF from this window.
To turn the full duplex mode ON or OFF:
1. In the Duplex Modes window, highlight the interface you want to change.
2. Double-click on the highlighted interface. The interface list will be briefly
grayed-out as the set is being made to the device.
If the set is successful, the interface list will reactivate and the Full Duplex:
indicator will switch from ON to OFF or OFF to ON.
If you attempt to set an interface to full duplex mode that does not support this
feature, you will receive a “Set Failed” error message.
Click on Cancel to close the window.
Because full duplex conÞguration takes place as you set each change individually, any
changes that have been completed up to the point of clicking on Cancel will have been set
at the device. Make sure that you have undone any unwanted changes before exiting the