Chapter 3
CSX200 and CSX400
WAN Configuration
Physical CSX device information; CSX WPIMs; the WAN Logical View window
The CSX200 devices have one WAN interface, a Cabletron Wide Area Port
Interface Module (WPIM) installed at the factory. The CSX400 has two swappable
WAN interfaces, which can currently consist of any combination of CabletronÕs
T1/E1/DI, HDSL, DDS, or synchronous WPIMs.
The CSX200 series (201, 202, and 203) and the CSX 400 come with a variety of
Ethernet LAN and WAN connectivity options. The WPIMs which provide the
WAN connection(s) are discussed in this chapter, along with EPIM possibilities
for the CSX400.
WAN Logical View on page 3-5 discusses how to access the WAN Logical View
window through SPECTRUM Element ManagerÕs Chassis View. There, you can
view your WAN interface settings.
About the CSX200 Series
There are three devices in the CSX200 family: the CSX201, CSX202, and CSX203.
Each has twelve RJ-45 Ethernet ports for LAN connection via 10BaseT twisted
ItÕs important to note that a Windows 95- and NT-based utility called QuickSET was
shipped with your CyberSWITCH. This program is designed for point-and-click
installation and set-up of CSX200/400 devices. Currently, QuickSET should be used to
conÞgure all WPIM settings and routing/bridging protocols, including those WPIMs not
currently supported by Spectrum Element Manager. See your QuickSET documentation
for more information. Future releases of SPECTRUM Element Manager will support the
CSX200/400 more comprehensively.