Chapter 1
How to use this guide; related guides; software conventions; getting help; CSX200 and CSX400
firmware versions
Welcome to the Cabletron SystemsÕ SPECTRUM Element Manager for the
CSX200 and CSX400 UserÕs Guide. We have designed this guide to serve as a
simple reference for using SPECTRUM Element Manager for the CSX200 and
SPECTRUM Element Manager provides management support for both the
CyberSWITCH CSX200 and CyberSWITCH CSX400 stand-alone LAN-to-WAN
access devices. Both the CSX200 series and the CSX400 device support PPP and
Frame Relay WAN protocols, as well as multiprotocol bridging and IP/IPX
The CSX200 series (CSX 201, 202, and 203) is designed for smaller branch ofÞces
who need up to twelve Ethernet ports connected to a corporate WAN or ISP. Each
CSX200 device has twelve RJ-45 ports and one WAN interface. Before shipping,
the proper Wide Area Port Interface Module (WPIM) is installed in your device,
depending on the technology you need. WPIM connections currently supported
by SPEL include T1 and synchronous. In the future E1, DDS, DI (Drop-and-
Insert), and HDSL will also be supported by SPECTRUM Element Manager. All of
these WPIM options are discussed in Chapter 3, CSX200 and CSX400 WAN
ConÞguration. The CSX200 also supports Point to Point Protocol (PPP), leased
lines, and Frame Relay (RFC1490), providing up to four Permanent Virtual
Connections (PVCs) to corporate ofÞces or the Internet.
The CSX400 is ideal for corporate ofÞces or larger branch sites that require two
individual Ethernet LAN segments with single or dual WAN connectivity. The
two Ethernet ports can be conÞgured with any available EPIM media, while the
two WAN ports can be occupied by any swappable combination of Cabletron
WPIMs. Currently SPECTRUM Element Manager can only manage a T1 or
synchronous connection, but in the future WPIM options will also include DDS,
DI, E1, and HDSL connectivity. Each WPIM can act independently, allowing