Operational Features
5-144 41-001343-02 REV04 – 05.2014
topsoftkey1 type: speeddialconf
topsoftkey1 label: Sales
topsoftkey1 value: 5645
topsoftkey1 line: 3
prgkey1 type: speeddialconf
prgkey1 value: 5645
prgkey1 line: 1
expmod1 key1 type: speeddialconf
expmod1 key1 label: Sales
expmod1 key1 value: 5645
expmod1 key1 line: 3
Refer to the following in Appendix A to configure a Speeddial/Conf key on the IP phone using the configuration files.
Configuring the Speeddial/Conf Key Using the Aastra Web UI
Use the following procedure to configure the Speeddial/Conf Key using the Aastra Web UI.
Configuration Files
To set a Speeddial/Conf key using the configuration files, see Appendix A, “Softkey/Programmable Key/Keypad Key/Feature Key/Expansion Module
Key/Hard Key Parameters” on pageA-156.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation->Softkeys and XML.
Click on Operation->Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation->Expansion Module Keys.
2. In the “Type” field, select Speeddial/Conf from the list of options.
3. In the “Label” field, enter a key label to assign to the Speeddial/Conf key (for example, “Sales”).
4. In the “Value” field, enter the number that the phone dials when the Speeddial/Conf key is pressed (for example, “4556”).
5. In the “Line” field, select the line for which you want to use the key functionality.
6. For phones with softkeys:
In the States field, select the state(s) (idle, connected, incoming, outgoing, busy) for which you want to use on the key.
States are not applicable to programmable keys (9143i, 6730i, 6731i, 6735i, 6753i, 6755i, 6863i, 6865i).
7. Click Save Settings to save your changes.