Sonic Alert msm83c154s Clock Radio User Manual

86 Mode 2
M1 M0
In mode 2, timer/counters 0 and 1 both become 8-bit timer/counters with 8-bit auto reloader
registers by the circuit connection shown in Figures 4-15 and 4-16. TH0 and TH1 in timer/
counters 0 and 1 serve as the 8-bit auto reloader section, and TL0 and TL1 serve as the timer/
counter section.
If a carry signal is generated by the 8-bit timer/counter TL0 and TL1, the respective auto
reloader register data is preset into the timer/counter, and counting proceeds from the preset
TF0 is set by the timer/counter 0 carry signal, and TF1 is set by the timer/counter 1 carry
signal. Note that the timer/counter 1 carry signal can also be used as the serial port
transmission/reception clock.