7.2 Description of Instruction Symbols
The instruction symbols have the following meanings.
A Accumulator
AB Register pair
AC Auxiliary carry
B Arithmetic operation register
C Carry (the bit 7 carry represented by CY is changed to C in Chapter 7.)
DPTR Data pointer
PC Program counter
Rr Register representation (r=0/1, or r=0 thru 7)
SP Stack pointer
AND Logical AND
OR Logical OR
XOR Exclusive OR
+ Addition
– Subtraction
× Multiplication
/ Division
(X) Representation of the contents of X
((X)) Representation of the contents addressed by contents of X
# Symbol denoting immediate data
@ Symbol denoting indirect address
= Equal sign
≠ Not equal
← Substitution
→ Substitution
— Negation (upper bar)
< Smaller than
> Larger than
bit address RAM or special function register bit designated address
code address Absolute address (A0 thru A15, A0 thru A11)
data Immediate data (I0 thru I7)
relative offset Corrected relative jump address value
direct address RAM or special function register data designated address (“direct
address” representation changed to “data address” during
detailed description of instructions)