6.3 TeraTerm blast extensions 32
6.3 TeraTerm blast extensions
As an alternative to the jtag executable, Boundary Devices has also pro-
duced an extension to the TeraTerm open-source terminal emulator with
support for the Blast
It has the following benefits over the use of jtag:
• Does not require Cygwin and ioperm
• Because it’s a Windows
graphical application, it’s a bit simpler to
use and has a file-chooser dialog.
The drawback is that it does not support the jtag hardware connection
or any of the associated features (can’t force a hardware reset, can’t recover
a machine with a trashed flash).
We recommend its use only for non-development needs, or when cabling
the jtag is inconvenient (e.g. during production).
It can be downloaded here.
December 28, 2005 Revision 2.8