Sonic Alert 2.8 Clock Radio User Manual

6.2 JTAG system-level debugger 27
6.1.1 mdebug
The mdebug image adds Ethernet and wireless download capabilities using
the Blast protocol to the Neon
. The SSID and DLW commands above are
only valid when mdebug is present.
The following is an example of the use of mdebug and DLW. Note that
the first c ommands used download mdebug to address A1C00000 and run it
from there. Also note that the use of DLW requires a DHCP or BOOTP
server for IP address assignment.
DLW example
. dl a1c00000
enter binary fil e name: mdebug
73620 bytes, 72 packets, 0 retrys
OK A1C00000-A1C12000
. g a1c00000
Reset A0008000
R0: 00000000 R1: 0000014C R2: 00000001 R3: 00000060
R4: A1F1D540 R5: A1F22B1C R6: A1E9BECC R7: 00000002
R8: A1E9BFDC R9: A1E9BE88 SL: 00000000 FP: A1E9BE10
IP: A1E9BE14 SP: A0003400 LR: A0008000 PC: A0008000
CPSR 600000D3 FP0: 0000000000
. dlw a0008000
Boundary Devices 1
%s: PHY=LAN83C183 (LAN91C111 I ntern al)
%s: PHY remote fault detected
%s: Ethernet Lin k Detected
%s: PHY 100BaseT
%s: PHY Half Duplex
valid mac addres s
..........DISC:received 0x012C bytes of reply
REQ:received 0x012C bytes of reply
router at 192.16 8.0.1
DNS server at
DNS server at
DNS server at
DHCP success, us ing IP
ready to receive file
enter binary fil e name: cramfs.img
transmitted in 5 2 seconds
lost 0x00000000 packets
[eof] in 52 seconds
sent 19783680 by tes of file to
Error free!!!
0x012DE000 bytes written to buffer at A0008000 A12E6000
6.2 JTAG system-level debugger
The jtag executable provided by Boundary Devices is based on the one
provided by the Open WinCE project.
Our main goals in developing the jtag program were to aid in hardware
debugging and to allow the first flash EEPROM image to be burned onto
December 28, 2005 Revision 2.8