6.2 JTAG system-level debugger 31
to receive a file. Use the [Ctrl A] S sequence to instruct jtag to prompt
for and send a file using XModem.
To abort the operation, either when prompting for a filename or before,
use [ctrl-C].
. dl a1f00000
enter binary file name: u-boot.bin
81292 bytes, 80 packets, 0 retrys
OK A1F00000-A1F14000
To burn a range of data from RAM to the start of flash, use the ’burn’
command like this. Note that the end address was given above at the end
of the DL response.
. burn a1f00000 a1f14000
Sector 04000000 Erasing Programming Verifying...
December 28, 2005 Revision 2.8