Logitech Squeezebox Boom Portable Stereo System User Manual

22 Logitech®
If you’ll only be listening to Internet radio and online services, or if you’ve
uploaded your personal music collection to an MP3tunes music locker,
then you can connect to SqueezeNetwork. The advantage of using
SqueezeNetwork as your music source is that you don’t have to make sure
your computer is on each time you use your Squeezebox Boom.
You’ll probably fi nd that you don’t need to change music sources very often.
There are a couple of scenarios where you might:
If you normally connect to SqueezeCenter running on a computer,
but the computer is turned off or otherwise unavailable. In this
case, you’ll need to switch to SqueezeNetwork in order to use your
Squeezebox Boom.
If you have multiple computers or NAS drives on your network, each
with its own unique music collection, you may want to hop from
computer to computer depending on what you want to hear.
To select a music source, choose Settings > Music Source from the Home
Screen. You’ll see a menu that includes SqueezeNetwork (if you’re not already
connected to SqueezeNetwork) and all the computers on your local network
that are running SquezeCenter. Each will be identifi ed by the computer’s
name (for example, John-Smith’s-Computer).
If you’ve downloaded and installed SqueezeCenter but you can not fi nd your
computer on this menu, see Appendix E: Troubleshooting.
As mentioned earlier in this guide, downloading and installing
SqueezeCenter is optional. If you listen to music exclusively from online
sources, or if you’ve uploaded your personal music collection to an MP3tunes
music locker, then you do not need to run SqueezeCenter on your computer.
Repeat and Shuffl e
Squeezebox Boom offers confi gurable Repeat and Shuffl e modes, available
in the Settings menu. You can choose to repeat the Now Playing list or play it
only once, and you can choose to shuffl e by song or by album.