26D-Link DSM-510 User Manual
Section 2 - Installation
Note: Do not configure Windows
Media Player 11 sharing if you have an Intel
technology verified PC, because you can
use the Intel
Media Server that is included with your Intel
technology verified PC.
To share audio, video, and photo files from your computer, it is necessary to have Windows
Media Player 11 or another
AV server software on any PC that is not Intel
technology verified. Windows
Media Player 11 software allows
you to share your PC’s audio, video, and photo files with your media player. Windows
Media Player 11 software then streams the
content to your DSM-510 via your wired/wireless network connection.
If more than one PC contains files you want to share, you can select one of the following options:
1. Copy all of the files to one computer designated to run the Windows
Media Player 11 software.
2. Map network drives on the computer with the Windows
Media Player 11 software to additional computers that
contain files you want to share. This method also allows you to share files from computers that cannot run the
Media Player 11 software such as Macintosh systems. The computer running the Windows
Media Player 11
software must always be on when streaming content from any computer.
Note: In order to share files from your MAC to your PC you must turn on Windows sharing from Preferences Menu and select
3. Configure the Windows
Media Player 11 software on each computer. The DSM-510 will aggregate your media into one list
under music/photo/video.
4. Power on your DSM-510, and do the following based on your network connection:
• Wireless
: Select the option
Connect to your network by selecting a network name and by providing the
necessary information for authentication. Please refer to page 21 for step-by-step instructions.
• Wired
: After powering on your DSM-510 your network will automatically be detected. Click Finish.
Media Player 11 Setup
To download Media Player 11, visit microsoft.com.