Strata CTX Configuration
Worksheet 4: Page/MOH/Control Relay
2-26 Strata CTX I&M 06/04
Worksheet 4: Page/MOH/Control Relay
Up to two BIOU interfaces can be installed to provide the following interfaces:
Worksheet 5: Strata CTX100 Cabinet Slots
Write in the PCBs installed in each cabinet slot in the Cabinet Diagram below. Use the PCB
placement guideline below to place PCBs in the correct slots. A number of tables provide CTX100
capacities and configuration examples in this section.
For cost-effective configurations, try to fit all PCBs into the CTX100 Base Cabinet. This allows up
to 16 loop start COs by 32 DKTs, and up to 24 T1 or PRI COs by 40 DKTs.
• If loop start CO and DKT combinations are required, use CTX100-ECONOPKG (RCOU,
ADKU with common equipment) for up to four CO by eight DKTs or CTX100-ECONOTWO
(two RCOU, two ADKU with common equipment) for eight CO lines by 16 DKTs or greater.
Otherwise, use CTX100-0X8PKG.
• If more than 16 channels are required on an RDTU, BPTU, RPTU, place PCB in S103. Slot 104
is available for another PCB.
• BIPU-M2A, BIPU-M1A or BIPU-Q1A can be installed in any slot to provide 16 channels.
• If 9~16 DKTs require Speaker OCA, place BDKU/BDKS PCBs in S103 if it is available.
• Place other required PCBs according to the guidelines herein.
• Consult the following tables of maximum system capacity slot configurations as guidelines for
PCB slot placement.
• Check system capacities in Tables 2-3~2-7 to confirm that the features to be used are within
Main Location _______________ Remote Location 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___
Feature 1 BIOU 2 BIOUs Enter No. of Required BIOUs
Page Zone Relays 4 8
Control Relays
1. The CTX100 processor provides one built-in control relay.
MOH/BGM Device Interface
2. CTX100 and CTX670 processors each provide one built-in MOH/BGM interface (RCA jack).
Page Outputs
3. CTX100 processor provides one built-in 600 ohm page output. Each BIOU provides a 600 ohm and 3-watt page output on
the CTX670 only.
4. Control relays provide closures for a door lock, page mute, night service and night bell contact.
CTX Base Cabinet Slots CTX Expansion Cabinet Slots
ACTU S101 S102 S103 S104 S105 S106 S107 S108