Strata CTX Configuration
CTX100-S/CTX100 License Control
2-4 Strata CTX I&M 06/04
CTX100-S/CTX100 License Control
The system size and feature capability is controlled using a software License Key Code. This key
code is obtained from Toshiba Internet FYI during the ordering process and is installed onto the
system processor via Strata CTX WinAdmin. Processor license codes activate system hardware
capacities in the following increments.
• The first 16 line/station ports on the CTX100-S do not require a license. The upgrade from 16
to 24 ports and from 24 to 32 ports requires the eight port upgrade LIC100S-8 PORTS license.
Each additional set of 4 line/station ports requires the four port upgrade LIC100-4 PORTS
• The first 32 line/station ports on the CTX100 do not require a license. Each additional set of
four line/station ports requires one LIC100-4 PORTS license (maximum of 112 ports).
• The ACTU2A-S and ACTU2 processors each provide 16 DTMF built-in receiver hardware
circuits and 16 ABR circuits. The first four DTMF circuits and all ABR circuits do not require
a license. Each additional set of four DTMF receiver circuits requires one LIC100-4DTMF
license (maximum of 16 DTMF circuits).
Note DTMF tone receiver circuits are required for standard telephones, Voice Mail DTMF
integration, Tie, DID and DNIS line service.
• The optional RS-232 serial port interface (BSIS) provides two circuits to interface with SMDI
or Toshiba Proprietary Voice Mail integration, Call Accounting SMDR, and two for future
applications. The first circuit does not require a license, but circuits two through four each
require one LIC100-SER PORT license.
Licensed Software Options
Some software options are activated with license codes. The following software options require a
• Each CTX system (node) in a Strata Net QSIG Network (ISDN or IP) requires one LIC100-
QSIG NET license. A maximum of four serial network nodes are allowed in any one serial
chain in the network topology.
• The built-in LAN interface for all CTI Open Architecture applications. Each individual CTI
Open Architecture application requires one LIC100-CSTA AP license (maximum nine).