Strata CTX
Strata CTX Configuration
Worksheet 1: Toshiba DKT and IP Telephones
Strata CTX I&M 06/04 2-23
Worksheet 1: Toshiba DKT and IP Telephones
Important! The maximum number of DKTs per cabinet is 80. This is a power factor limitation
(see Worksheet 7)
Main Location _______________ Remote Location 1___ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____
Item# Digital Telephone Equipment Required for Cabinet Number __________ Qty
DT01 DKT3010-S - 10 button Digital Speakerphone (gray)
DT02 DKT3010-S (W) - 10 button Digital Speakerphone (white)
DT03 DKT3010-SD - 10 button Digital Speakerphone with LCD (gray)
DT04 DKT3010-SD (W) - 10 button Digital Speakerphone with LCD (white)
DT05 DKT3020-S - 20 button Digital Speakerphone (gray)
DT06 DKT3020-S (W) - 20 button Digital Speakerphone (white)
DT07 DKT3020-SD - 20 button Digital Speakerphone with LCD (gray)
DT08 DKT3020-SD (W) - 20 button Digital Speakerphone with LCD (white)
DT09 DKT3014-SDL - 14 button Digital with large LCD (gray)
DT10 DKT3014-SDL - 14 button Digital with large LCD (white)
DT11 DDSS3060 - 60 button Digital Direct station Select Console (gray)
DT12 DDSS3060 - 60 (W) button Digital Direct station Select Console (white)
DT13 IPT1020-SD - 20 button IP Telephone (gray)
DT14 DKT2010-S -10 button Digital Speakerphone (gray)
DT15 DKT2010-S (W) -10 button Digital Speakerphone (white)
DT16 DKT2010-SD -10 button Digital Speakerphone with LCD (gray)
DT17 DKT2010-SD (W) -10 button Digital Speakerphone with LCD (white)
DT18 DKT2020-S -20 button Digital Speakerphone (gray)
DT19 DKT2020-S (W) -20 button Digital Speakerphone (white)
DT20 DKT2020-SD -20 button Digital Speakerphone with LCD (gray)
DT21 DKT2020-SD (W) -20 button Digital Speakerphone with LCD (white)
DT22 DKT2020-FDSP -20 button Digital Full-Duplex Speakerphone with LCD (gray)
DT23 DDSS2060- 60 button Digital Direct Station Select Console (gray)
DT24 DDSS2060 (W) -60 button Digital Direct Station Select Console (white)
DT25 DDCB - Digital Door Phone Control Box (supports 3 MDFB Door phones)
DT26 Pre-wired Digital Telephone Ports (allocates spare, hot wired digital ports)
DT27 DKT2204-CT - Digital Cordless Phone (digital spread spectrum - sharing port with DKT)
1. Do not count shared ports into the Total (DT20) BWDKU or BDKU/BDKS ports required.
DT28 DKT2204-CT - Digital Cordless Phone (digital spread spectrum - stand alone)
DT29 DKT2304-CT - Digital Cordless Phone (digital narrow band sharing port with DKT)
DT30 DKT2304-CT - Digital Cordless Phone (digital narrow band - stand alone)
DT31 Total Digital ports required (Add DT01 Qty. ~ DT29 Qty.)
DT32 Total BDKU, BWDKU or BDKU/BDKS or ADKU PCBs/Slots required (DT30, Qty./8 or DT30 Qty./16)
2. Round up these totals to the nearest whole number.
DT33 Total RDSU PCBs/Slots required to add 4 DKT/2 SLT Devices
DT34 Total RDSU/RSTS PCBs/Slots required to add 4 DKT/4 SLT Equipment
Item IP Telephone Qty
IPT01 IPT1020-SD
IPT02 Total BIPU-M2A PCBs/slots required (IPT01 quantity/16)