Peripheral Installation
External Speaker Unit (HESB) Options
Strata CTX I&M 06/04 12-17
Peripheral Installation
External Speaker Unit (HESB) Options
Strata CTX systems provide three options utilizing an HESB:
• Telephone External Ringer
• Amplified Page Speaker
• Talkback Amplified Page Speaker with talkback
System hardware requirements vary depending on the HESB option selected. See the following
installation procedures for the hardware requirements for each option.
Telephone External Ringer
The loud ringing bell option enables the voice first or ringing signal tone to be amplified without
the use of other manufacturers’ equipment. The voice first and signal tone can be amplified on all
electronic and digital telephones equipped with HHEU PCBs and HESB. (See Chapter 7 – Station
The HESB automatically turns Off once the ringing call or voice first has been manually answered
from the electronic or digital telephone. This turn-off feature prevents audio feedback problems.
Step 1: Set Up the Telephone for the External Ringer Option
3000 Telephone Instructions
³ To Turn the Loud Ringing Bell Feature On/Off (Default is Off)
1. Press
369+Hold (simultaneously).
2. Press
# FB08 (FB08 = Feature Button 08, not dial pad 8).
3. Press
Msg (Msg LED turns On) to turn On the External Speaker (HESB) connection
...or press
Msg again (Msg LED turns Off) to turn Off the External Speaker (HESB)
4. Press
2000 Telephone Instructions
Important! See Chapter 11 – Station Apparatus for instructions on the HHEU jumpers and
cutting the EXSP on 2000-series digital telephones. See below for 3000 telephones.
Step 2: Connect the HESB External Ringer to the 3000-series Telephone
1. Connect a jumper between terminals 2 and 10 on the HESB TB1 terminal block (Figure 12-21).
2. Connect a jumper between terminals 4 and 5 on the HESB TB2 terminal block.
3. Install a BHEU PCB and HESC-65A cable per Figures 12-17 and 12-18.
Note HESB connections made in Steps 4~6 can be accomplished using the HESB VOICE
modular jack instead of the TB1 terminal block.
4. Connect terminal 1 of the HESB TB1 terminal block to the red (+) wire of the HESC-65A
using a modular block.
5. Connect terminal 2 of the HESB TB1 terminal block to the green (-) wire of the HESC-65A
using a modular block.