Strata CTX I&M 06/04 9-1
IP Telephony and QSIG
Over IP
IP Telephony and QSIG Over IP 9
This chapter explains how to install the Strata CTX Internet Protocol (IP) telephones
(IPT1020-SD). It also covers installing the Internet Protocol Telephone (IPT) interface
(BIPU-M2A or BIPU-M1A) units into Strata CTX systems with Release 2.0 or higher software, as
well as the Strata Net QSIG over IP Interface Unit (BIPU-Q1A) that requires CTX Release 2.1
The BIPU-M2A provides Network Address Translation (NAT) compatibility; whereas,
BIPU-M1A requires a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection for remote IP telephone
IPTs support most CTX telephone features. As of this release, Speaker OCA is the only CTX
telephone feature not supported by IPT1020-SD telephones. Handset OCA is supported.
CTX WinAdmin 2.1 or higher is required to program CTX Release 2.0 software. This is available
on FYI and on the Strata CTX WinAdmin Application Software and CTX/DK/Partner Products
Documentation Library CD-ROM.
Pre-installation Guidelines
In general, it’s important to obtain as much information as possible about the client’s telephone
network topology. Below are examples of the kind of information that you need to know up front.
❐ Determine what type of IPT to network connections would be best for the client: switch,
LAN, or VPN. Refer to “Step 4: Connect IPTs to Network” on page 9-13 for more
❐ Find out who is the client’s IP carrier or provider.
❐ Find out if that IP carrier or provider allows more than one IP address per off-site system.
Some providers offer multiple IP addresses, others may offer only one. This limitation
should be discussed with the client.
❐ Are there other limitations for the IP carrier/provider regarding internet access. For
example, some services require a user authorization number to access the internet. You
will need this information. Inquire about Point-to-point Over Ethernet (PPOE) restrictions.
❐ How much bandwidth is available for IP connections?
❐ The client’s IR department needs to extend their LAN to the networked location.
❐ Toshiba recommends that you perform a LAN Voice Readiness Assessment if installing
IPTs on your LAN. Quality of Service (QoS) and calls are highly dependent on setting up
correct quality parameters. Refer to “Step 1: Perform a LAN Voice Readiness
Assessment” on page 9-3.