IP Telephony and QSIG Over IP
CTX IP Troubleshooting
9-32 Strata CTX I&M 06/04
Verify CTX/BIPU/IPT Hardware, Software and Firmware Version
Mandatory Data
Optional Data for Program Update
CTX System Configuration
In the following record sheets, record the card configuration for the cabinet where the BIPU is
installed. Include the following information:
• Mark the BIPU slot.
• Input card type based on Prog100 --> upper space
• Input installed card information when the problem was occurred. --> lower space
• Card information:
•card type
• hardware version (CMx, PM)
• firmware version
• In addition, the version of processor board, cabinet and power unit.
Which What How Example
CTX Software Program 901 FB1 NA200MF010, SA200MF009
Hardware Labeled on card CM4, CM5, PM
FPGA Labeled on chip V.03, V.04
(BootRom version included)
Program 151 FB4 BIPU10A, BIPQ02B
BIPS Hardware Labeled on card CM3, CM5
Hardware Labeled on base CM9
(BootRom version included)
Program 250 FB9 or
Terminal Setting Mode
Which What Example
Operating system Windows XP server, RedHat Linux
Server program name IIS, wu-ftpd, CTX internal
TCP/IP properties IP address, netmask, gateway address
WinAdmin WinAdmin version V1.30, V2.00
BIPU Target BIPU firmware version BIPU11B
IPT Target BIPU firmware version DIP11QB
Slot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10