Peripheral Installation
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
Strata CTX I&M 06/04 12-29
Peripheral Installation
Figure 12-26 Sample Call Record – Simple Outing Call, Outside Party Answers (Rel. 1.02 or lower)
Table 12-3 Sample Call Record Explanation (Rel. 1.02 or lower)
1(1) Spaces
2(1) New line “&”
3-19(17) Caller ID
“C”+ XXX…X
Caller ID
(Left positioned and padded spaces)
20(1) Spaces
21-24(4) DISA “DISA”
25(1) Spaces
26-38(13) ANI
XXXXX...XXXX (00 -- 99)
Area Code (000 -- 999)
Exchange Code (000 -- 999)
Extended Exchange code (0000 -- 9999)
39(1) Spaces
40-46(7) DNIS XXXXXXX (0000000 -- 9999999)
47(1) Spaces
48-54(7) AUXID 1 “DN”+XXXXX XXXXX = Prime DN
(Responsibility for outgoing)
55(1) Spaces
56-62(7) AUXID 2 NN+XXXXX NN = Node number (00 – 99)
XXXXX = Prime DN
Field Notes
N Normal incoming or outgoing call record.
001 Record number 1.
00 Used to identify the Node ID in a Strata Net network. Not used in a standalone system.
DN1234 Directory Number (DN) 1234 originated the call.
T000001 The call went out on Trunk Number 1.
06/28 Date
12:10:50 Time at which call was answered.
00:10:30:0 Duration of the call to the tenth of a second.
12134567890 The destination number dialed.
& Start of a new line. More complex call records may use two lines.
Table 12-2 SMDR Record Format
Line Column Name Format Notes
N 001 00 DN1234 T000001 06/28 12:10:50 00:10:30.0 12134567890