Chapter 4: Further Chart Operations 4-7
Cursor Echo
➤ To cancel the MOB, press and hold the MARKS key for 2 seconds.
The chart is re-drawn at its previous scale, and the MOB symbol and data box
are removed.
Note: The MOB procedure can also be initiated or cancelled if the appropri-
ate SeaTalk message is received by the display unit.
4.5 Cursor Echo
In asystem witha radar display connected viaSeaTalk, youcan set the display
to enable cursor echo. Cursor echo (accessed from System Set Up, described
in Section 5.3) enables you to display a radar cursor on the chart picture, or a
chart cursor on the radar picture(you cannot display a remote chart cursor in a
chart window nor a remote radar cursor in a radar window).
The following options can be toggled ON or OFF:
• Radar Cursor In : displays the cursor from a radar on the chart window
(default - OFF).
• Chart Cursor In: - not valid for the SL520/530/631PLUS display.
• SeaTalk Cursor Out: enables the output, onto SeaTalk, of the display’s
own cursor (default - OFF).
• Cursor Echo Local: - not valid for the SL520/530/631 PLUS display.
If you set the options to OFF, no cursor echo information is displayed.
When the appropriate option is switched on,the display showsits own cursor,
plus the cursor of the other display with appropriate cursor text (RDR)to
indicate its origin. This means that you could move the cursor over a target on
a radar display, and check the identity of the target by looking at the radar
cursor position on the chartplotter.