Chapter 4: Further Chart Operations 4-3
Measuring Distances
Using the VRM/EBL
➤ To re-position one end of the ruler line:
1. Move the cursor over the ruler line towards the end that you want to re-
position, until the letters A→ B are displayed.
2. Press ENTER to take cursor control of the ruler. The ruler end moves to the
cursor which changes to a four-headed arrow.
3. Move the cursor to the required position. The ruler data box is updated.
4. Press ENTER again to set the position and return to normal cursor control.
Alternatively, press CLEAR to reset the ruler to the previous position.
➤ To clear the ruler line and ruler data box
Move the cursor over the ruler line, until the letters A→ B are displayed, then
press CLEAR.
Press VRM/EBL, the ruler soft keys are displayed. Press RULER OFF ON to
toggle the ruler line and data box off.
➤ To clear the ruler data box:
Press VRM/EBL, the ruler soft keys are displayed. Press RULER DATABOX OFF
ON to toggle the ruler data box off.
➤ To move the Ruler data box, using the context-sensitive cursor:
1. Move the cursor over the box until the letters BOX are displayed, and press
ENTER to take cursor control of the box.
2. Use the trackpad to move the box to its new location, and press ENTER to
drop it and return to normal cursor operation.