5-6 SL520/530/631 PLUS Chartplotter Displays
Data Boxes
Data Boxes
Press theSELECT BOXES soft keyto display the databox sub-menu. This allows
you to select up to 6 data boxes that you can display.
Note: 1. A fixed set of 9 (mono) or 16 (color)of these data items are available
for display in the Nav Data half-screen window (see Chapter 2).
2. In addition to thesegrouped data boxes,boxes for the cursor readout,VRM/
EBL data, waypoint data, MOB data andsimulator status are displayed when
selected or when the appropriate function is active..
Data boxes provide regularly used data in a compact form so that most of the
picture can still be seen. The ones you select here can be turned on and off as a
groupduring normaloperation,and youcanalsomovethem around thescreen
individually using the context-sensitive cursor (see Context-Sensitive Cursor
Control on page 1-9.).
Bearing Mode
The mode (magnetic or true) of all the bearing and heading data displayed.
This is indicated in the status bar after the heading value.
Cursor Reference
The mode of the bearing data displayed for the cursor readout. The bearing
information can be displayed in either of two forms:
• Relative: The bearing relative to your vessel’s heading.
Mag/True: The actual bearing in either degrees magnetic or degrees true.
If you choose this mode, the selection you made for the previous parame-
ter (Bearing Mode), °Mor°T, is displayed in the cursor (Rng/Brg) data
boxes. The current units are shown for the heading value in the status bar
at the top of the screen.
Cursor Readout
This option controlswhether the cursor data isshown inlatitude andlongitude
or in range and bearing. Alternatively, you can show both types of readout, in
separate boxes, or turn the cursor data box off.
You can also turn the cursor readout box(es) on and off during normal
operation, via the SCREEN default softkey (see Switching the Cursor DataBox
On and Off on page 2-10.)
This option allows you to change the display between day and night modes.
If you select NIGHT mode, a different palette, more suited to night time
viewing is used.