Chapter 3: Standard Chart Operations 3-5
Displaying Chart
Object and Source
Port Area
At large chart scales port area information is indicated by the symbol . An
object information pop-upprovides the name ofthe marinaor port anda listof
the facilities available.
Where available, details for each facility can be displayed. This information
includes items such as accommodation, slip sizes, fueling, sanitation,
electrical or other maintenance services provided, VHF channels monitored,
and other safety and navigation information.
In some areas the chart shows symbols for individual facilities. The facilities
and their associated symbols are illustrated in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2: Port Symbols
Tide Data
The symbol indicates tide height data is available for that position on the
chart. When you select the tide height option, a graph of predictions for
maximum and minimum tide heights is displayed, data for sunrise and sunset
is also provided as illustrated Figure 3-3.