Chapter 3: Standard Chart Operations 3-41
SmartRoute enables the current track, or the last segment of a track with
breaks,to be converted toa route (the track could havebeen retrievedfrom the
track list). SmartRoute placesa waypointat the lasttrack point, then considers
each point in turn and determines the closest route through the recorded track.
The number of waypoints created is minimized, whilst maintaining optimum
correlation to the recorded track. On completion, the maximum deviation of
the route from the recorded track is displayed.
➤ To convert the current track into a route:
1. Select MAKE INTO ROUTE and press ENTER.
The current track is converted to a new route and becomes the current
route, with the most recently placed track point as the start of the route, i.e.
the track is reversed.
If there is an unsavedcurrent route on screen, theoption to savethe route is
given, see Section 3.4, Working with Routes.
2. Check the calculated route and, in particular, that the route deviation from
the original, given in the warning box, is within navigable limits.
Beforefollowing theroute,ensurethat itis safefor navigation, notingthat
it may deviate from your actual path travelled.