Chapter 3: Standard Chart Operations 3-3
Removing a Chart
Figure 3-1: Removing the Chart Card
Removing a Chart Card
We recommend that before youremove a chart cartridge, you ensure the chart
is not being used on any other display unit. Removing a chart cartridge whilst
a display unit is accessing the chart may cause an operational error.
➤ To remove a chart card:
1. Open the card cover, at the lower left of the display front panel.
2. Press on the card you wish to remove, and move the top of the card to the
left to clear the retaining pegs.
The card will spring half-way out, enabling you to grip the card and
remove it from the slot.
3. Remember to close the card cover so that it clicks shut, to prevent water
from entering the card reader assembly.
Displaying the Chart Data
Thenew chartinformation willbe displayed whenyou movethecursor intoan
area covered by the new chart or, if it is already in the area, change the range
The boundary of each chart digitized in the current card is defined by a box or
rectangle. (You can switch off thechart boundaries display if youwish, as part
of the chartplotter set up described in Section 5.4.)