1-10 SL520/530/631 PLUS Chartplotter Displays
Dedicated Keys
Dedicated Keys
Dedicated Keys
RANGE, ENTER, CLEAR, MENU and POWER have fixed functions; the
functions are similar on all Pathfinder displays. For example, ALARMS is
used to set up the system alarms on both a chartplotter and a radar.
Some keys can be used in two ways:
• Press: Press the key momentarily and then release it. This method is used
for most key operations.
• Press andhold: Press the keyand holditdown for the lengthof time stated
(for example, 3 seconds), and then release it.
When you press a dedicated key, one of the following happens:
i. The associated operation is actioned, e.g. change chart scale (RANGE).
ii. A pop-up menu is displayed, providing further options.
iii. A set of soft keys is displayed, providing further functions.
As you press a key, a single audio beep confirms the key action. If the key-
press is not valid for the current screen or mode, three rapid beeps sound to
indicate that no response is available. If required, you can turn the key beeps
off as part of your set up procedure (see Chapter 5).
Soft Keys
The four keys below the screen are called soft keys because their functions
change according to the operation. The soft keys are grouped into related sets
and subsets providing access to the various functions. The soft key labels are
displayedonthe screenjustabove thekeys.The defaultsoftkeys aredisplayed
until you press a key, or select an item on the screen; the soft keys associated
with the action are then displayed.
Table 1-2: Context-Sensitive Cursor Text Labels
Text Label Feature
BOX Data box (any type)
MOB Man Over Board marker
WPT Chart Waypoint
Ruler line
COG Course Over Ground vector
HDG Heading vector
POS Vessel’s position
RTE Route leg
TIDE Tide vector