Section 2A: Moving Around on Your Treo Pro Smartphone 57
Moving Around
ⅷ Light text on a dark background: This highlights items such as a phone number, an email
address, text, or an item in a list.
After highlighting an item with the 5-way, you can select or activate it by pressing Center
or by tapping the item with the stylus.
Highlighting Text
You can use the stylus to highlight text on the screen:
ⅷ Tap and drag the stylus across the text you want to highlight.
ⅷ To highlight a word, double-tap it.
ⅷ To highlight a paragraph, triple-tap it. (This works, for example, in Microsoft OneNote and
Word, but may not work in all applications.)
The best way to learn to use the 5-way is to experiment. Press the 5-way
buttons, and as you do, follow the movement of the border around the
screen. The behavior of the
5-way varies slightly in each application.
When text is highlighted, you can press Backspace to delete the
highlighted text.