286 Section 5B: Increasing Your Productivity
5. (Optional) Check the Match whole words only box to find only full words that match the
text you entered in step 3.
6. Select Find to locate the first instance of the text you entered in step 3, or select Replace
and enter the replacement text.
7. Select Next to find the next instance of the text, or select Replace to replace it.
(To replace all instances of the text, select Replace All.)
8. When you see a message indicating that the search is done, press OK .
Moving or Copying Text
1. Open the document containing the text you want to move or copy.
2. Highlight the text you want to move or copy.
3. Press Menu (right softkey) and select Copy to copy the text, or select Cut to move
the text.
4. Open the document where you want to insert the text, and position the insertion point
where you want the text to appear.
5. Press Menu (right softkey) and select Paste.
Saving a Copy of a Document
1. Open the document you want to copy.
2. Press Menu (right softkey) and select File > Save As.
3. Select Name and enter a new name for the file.
4. Select the Folder list, and then select the folder where you want to save the file.
5. Select the Typ e list, and then select the format in which you want to save the file.
To zoom in or out, open a document, press View, select Zoom, and then
select the zoom level.