
Index 440
ad-hoc connections 208
Adobe Reader LE application 308–311
Advanced Encryption Standard. See AES
Advanced Server Settings screen 134
AES encryption 209
Agenda view (calendar) 263
Airplane Mode 221
alarm clock 361
adding to events 265, 269
adding to tasks 271, 273
setting vibrating 345
turning on and off 345, 361
alerts 106, 236
See also notifications
Align Screen option 347
alternate characters 64–66
alternative phone numbers 79
anniversaries 265
answering the phone 83, 91, 103
appearance settings 342, 346
See also third-party applications
accessing menus in 58, 59
associating with buttons 348
closing 70
copying 326
deleting 322, 403
displaying 21, 68, 74
downloading 189, 318, 320
getting help with 14
included with smartphone 435
installing 319, 320
making phone calls and 88
marking as exclusive 71
moving to expansion cards 326
opening 68, 69, 325
placing on Start menu 348
running from expansion cards 325
running multiple 70
selecting 69, 71
sending email and 124, 155
switching among 71, 87
synchronizing 41, 42, 43, 280, 338
troubleshooting 362, 380
turning sounds on or off for 345
viewing memory usage for 363
See also events
adding 264, 265
appearing in wrong time slots 393
displaying 74, 263
entering multiple 264
hiding 267
marking as private 267
ing repeating 265
sending 163, 267
setting options for 269
area codes 261
adding 138, 160, 164, 240
deleting 164
downloading 141, 151, 154
embedding objects in 142
freeing internal memory and 403