Section 5A: Using the Organizer Features 267
Staying Organized
The next time synchronization occurs, the meeting request is sent to the attendees.
When attendees using Outlook accept your meeting request, the meeting is
automatically added to their Calendar schedules. As you receive each response, your
Outlook Calendar schedule is updated as well.
Sending an Appointment
1. Press Calendar .
2. Highlight the appointment you want to send.
3. Select one of the following:
Ⅲ Beam an appointment to a nearby device: Press Menu (right softkey), select Beam
Appointment, and select the receiving device.
Ⅲ Send a multimedia message containing the appointment: Press Menu (right
softkey), select Send as vCalendar, address the multimedia message, and press
Send (left softkey).
Marking an Event as Sensitive
If other people have access to your Microsoft Office Outlook calendar on your computer and
you don’t want them to see an appointment, you can mark that appointment as private to hide
it from other Microsoft Office Outlook users.
1. Create an event and then open it.
2. Press Menu (right softkey) and select Edit.
Did you know?
If you are using Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 upgraded Service Pack 2,
you can use your corporate Global Address List to find contact information
for an attendee. Select
Attendees and select Add Required Attendee or
Add Optional Attendee. Press Menu (right softkey), and select Company
Directory. Enter the name of the attendee and select Find.